Monday, March 30, 2009

Y'all are Rainin' On This Here Parade

I should know better. It's Monday and people are miserable on Monday's.

I'm usually not even close to functioning before noon on a Monday....and feeling good on a Monday?
You sir, are crazy.

But today was different. Please note the use of the past tense in the previous statement: WAS.

You see, I realize that I am often times (see: always) slightly unrealistic, but is it so bad to live briefly in a fantasy world where I might actually get to do something completely ridiculous?

I know that a lot can change between now and the departure date, I know that likely driving for more than 20 hours is completely stupid and that likely I will not be able to afford a plane ticket. I'll be lucky if I can scrape up enough funds to provide sustenance for myself, but ALABAMA people!

I do not and did not have an issue with people telling me that I am too poor to go, or that the 20 hour drive is more likely over 30 hours to a week in reality, but I do have an issue with the last conversation I had with a certain person.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I should know better

I should know better that there is one person that never ceases to rain on my motherfucking parade at almost every opportunity if the fun does not include him. I should know by now that he knows the perfect way to immediately deflate my irrational excitement. 

Maybe he's right, perhaps it is a huge mistake on my part to show more excitement at the fact that I may just get to drive through a state full of people I LOVE to make fun of rather than show the same excitement for our possible trip together. The trip that he basically wants me to research with him and plan out even though I haven't really had the time and he really hasn't given me much information for except one word: Mexico.

Well that's easy, I mean there's only like one place anyone ever goes in Mexico and there's only really one travel website that one could look up hotels and package deals on. Obviously I also know exactly when we would be going because that's certainly INFORMATION THAT I'VE BEEN GIVEN. Oh, and price range? Don't even get me started on the absolute tomes of knowledge I have concerning that little subject. 

He's also apparently paying for me to go. Which is really cool that he wants to do that, but you would think that after all the conversations we've had where I plainly state that I am not entirely comfortable with him even paying for us to see a movie when I have ZERO dollars, that the same sentiment might also apply to this? MAYBE, YOU THINK?

This is a rant. It is a rant because I am completely irrationally angry but I WAS HAPPY ON A MONDAY AND YOU RUINED IT. 


'Cause it's better if you don't
oh it's so much better if you won't
'cause it's better every time you bring me down.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Reynolds.
    It's been far too long since you had a post. Time to put pen to paper girlie and scribe me a novella. It's Friday for god sakes!
