Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Dream in Technicolour

They say that when you fall or die in your dreams that you are supposed to wake up. That's how it usually happens right? You jump off a 50-storey building and just as you hit the ground your eyes pop open. 

Well, mine don't open. I just keep dreaming.

I seem to be dying a lot lately in my dreams and while the death sequences are always pretty cool, I'm always a little confused afterward. Like, I know I'm dead...but what the fuck am I doing in Minnesota? 

Last night I was blown apart by 50 missiles looking uncannily similar to bullet bills (too much nintendo) all mistakenly aimed at me. A little extravagant if you ask me.

I'm sure it's just some form of escapism or whatchamacallit, because everytime I open my eyes after dying and I become the walking dead or some sort of ethereal apparition, the same joyous thought pops into my head:

"I'm free."

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